To anyone starting up a business or currently running a business!
Being in business in your local community can be challenging with the many hats that you must wear to ensure that you continue to be successful. We recognise that running your own business has its peaks and troughs and we want to be there to offer our assistance and ‘local business wisdom’.
Local Business Wisdom (LBW) is a support platform for the local’s like you in Business where you can ask a question and be pointed in the right direction from our pool of knowledge and experience. We don’t profound to know everything; however we take the time to give you direction and provide local knowledge so that you can get on with your passion and run your own business.
Who is Local Business Wisdom?
In our community there are pockets of business greatness. There are also great business minds that can share their wisdom to help local businesses grow and sustain.
LBW wants to help local businesses in our community lift their company profiles and provide them with useful information to improve their effectiveness as a company locals will want to do business with.
LBW believes that by assisting local businesses have every chance to be successful then this will flow onto help improve the local community and the lives of local residents.
LBW aims for the following:
Promote your business
Help lift your profile
Assist your business reach successful heights
Be a long term sustainable business in our local community
What can you do?
Provide and share your wisdom and be a willing participant to share your experiences with other in business. Apart from helping you with local wisdom support we want to promote your business within our website that will be accessible to all local business within our community.
Sharing ideas and embracing ways to be successful helps everyone in our community. It will also reinforce the importance and will assist in driving the local economy forward with increased job opportunities in employment and growth.
By sharing what you know and what you have experienced along the way in business will make a positive difference to others seeking the same results – “To be successful in business”.
What do you get?
By promoting your business and sharing wisdom via LBW you will be advertising your business within the community..
Having an opportunity to promote your business and sharing your wisdom will lead the way for others to get on board. Together we can help create a worthwhile resource for our local community that will deliver direct benefits to all parties involved.
If you would like to write a story about your business and share your wisdom, please email us to get started.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Sue Milner