What type of loans are there?
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Business Finance & General Banking Help
Overview - Business Finance and General Banking can help you with managing your money in order to ensure you are on top of your business needs. We can help you get started with this.
Select from the following
General Banking, Accounts Domestic and International
Cash Flow Budgeting and planning
Borrowing funds for Business Purposes or Special Industry loans (Franchises)
How to prepare to borrow for Business Purposes
Car or Equipement Loans
Trade and international payments
Consolidation of Business Loans
Review of loans to ensure that they are in the best structure and tax environment
How do I have a successful outcome at the bank?
Personal Finance Help
Overview - Home Loans and Investment Loans need to be reviewed regularly in order to ensure that you have the best products that suit you and your budget. We can help you review or get started with this.
Home Loans
Investment Loans
How to use my home equity to help my business?
Financial Well Being Help
Overview - Ensuring you have enough money in retirement by reviewing your investments and consolidating any superannuation funds plus reviewing your personal risk protection is essential for you are your family.
Review Superannuation
Consolidation my superannuation
Review my risk policies for Life, disability and Income Protection
Review my estate plan to ensure I have everything in place
Accounting and legal Help
Registering a business, company, licensing, taxes, GST & ABNS
Entities and tax structures
Partnership Plans
Completing your tax, accountants help, financial paperwork, bookkeeping
CashFlow preparation planning
Valuing your business
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